Ozgorushtravel, Исследуйте красоту Кыргызстана с нашими тщательно подобранными турами! От величественных горных хребтов до кристально чистых альпийских озер — Кыргызстан предлагает незабываемые приключения как для любителей природы, так и для ценителей культуры.

Our Tours

Ozgorush travel

Preserving Authentic Communities and the Environment

Commitment to Sustainability and Environmental Protection

The authenticity of local communities and the environment is safeguarded during our tours. We strongly oppose any harm to wildlife and environmental pollution. Our goal is to minimize the negative impact on destinations to ensure the sustainability of the places where we operate.

  • We do not offer tours that are harmful to people, animals, plants, natural resources, or that are socially and culturally inappropriate.
  • We strictly follow legal regulations regarding protected areas, as well as natural and cultural heritage sites.
  • Whenever possible, we avoid or minimize visits to areas where nature has been severely affected by tourism and monitor the overall impact on natural sites.
  • During nature trips, we eliminate the use of single-use plastic and ensure that no waste is left behind—we collect and dispose of it responsibly in designated areas.
  • We do not promote souvenirs that contain endangered flora or fauna species, historical, or archaeological artifacts (except when legally permitted).
  • We collaborate with local authorities and industry representatives to promote and support sustainable tourism development in the regions where we operate.
  • Our guests receive guidance on appropriate behavior during excursions and activities, emphasizing respect for local residents, communities, culture, nature, and the environment.
  • We do not offer any tours involving captive wild animals, except for properly regulated activities that comply with local, national, and international laws.
  • We do not associate with companies that collect, consume, display, sell, or trade wildlife species unless it is part of a regulated activity that ensures sustainable use in accordance with legal frameworks.
  • We educate tourists on how to interact responsibly with animals to prevent any risks.
  • We ensure the safety of both tourists and animals.
  • All animals involved in excursions meet veterinary requirements.
  • Animals participating in tours or shows are well-fed, live in appropriate conditions, and are treated with care—owners are prohibited from using harmful practices such as beating, spurs, or any actions that may cause harm.

Tour Guides and Tour Leaders

We prioritize hiring local residents as guides and ensure a fair and safe working environment that supports and respects local communities.

  • Only local residents are hired as guides to promote cultural authenticity and community involvement.
  • Legal employment standards, fair wages, and appropriate working conditions are strictly followed.
  • All guides and employees have a written employment contract and fully understand their working conditions.
  • Guides receive clear instructions regarding professional and ethical guest service.
  • All guides are trained in health and safety regulations, first aid, and emergency response procedures.
  • Only qualified guides accompany guests, especially in culturally or environmentally sensitive areas.
  • Our guides and contracted staff are well-informed about the company’s sustainability policies and trained in eco-friendly practices, environmental care, human rights, and child protection.


The well-being and satisfaction of our clients are our top priorities.

  • We provide high-quality and accurate information about our products and services.
  • Client confidentiality and privacy are strictly protected.
  • We prioritize the health and safety of our guests by regularly training our staff in emergency response procedures.
  • Clients receive comprehensive information before arrival on how to prepare for their visit to our country and specific tours.
  • We encourage clients to support local businesses by visiting local restaurants and shops and purchasing authentic local souvenirs while advising them against buying illegal souvenirs.
  • We systematically assess customer satisfaction and take proactive steps to improve our services and products. Complaints are taken seriously and addressed promptly.